Jesus’ temptations follow three patterns that are common to all men.

The first temptation concerns the lust of the flesh (Matthew 4:3–4). Our Lord is hungry, and the devil tempts Him to convert stones into bread, but He replies with Scripture, quoting Deuteronomy 8:3.

The second temptation concerns the pride of life (Matthew 4:5–7), and here the devil uses a verse of Scripture (Psalm 91:11–12), but the Lord replies again with Scripture to the contrary (Deuteronomy 6:16), stating that it is wrong for Him to abuse His own powers.

The third temptation concerns the lust of the eyes (Matthew 4:8–10)

The devil realized if any quick route to the Messiahship could be attained, bypassing the passion and crucifixion for which He had originally come, this was the way. The devil already had control over the kingdoms of the world (Ephesians 2:2) but was now ready to give everything to Christ in return for His allegiance. But the mere thought almost causes the Lord’s divine nature to shudder at such a concept and He replies sharply, “You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only” (Deuteronomy 6:13).

This teaches us humility at all levels of life.When you are needy, look out for those who throw a bait on your path, with a view of setting you up against your convictions..

When at the top of the ladder, don’t abuse the powers conferred to you by people’s demands but always do what is right, in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of men.

When at the top, many will come your way with gifts that blind you from the mission that God set you for, in that office. This is always there because many want to help you get a shortcut to a destination that has disastrous ending. Beware of it and avoid them. Have a blessed day

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