Help! I’m Married to an Intercessor!, is the title of a book, written by Eddie Smith. In this great book, Eddie says” “My wife is radical about the Lord! She’s radical about prayer! She’d rather pray than do just about anything! Prayer is her occupation, her hobby and her passion!
Does that sound like someone you know? Does it sound like you?
Being an intercessor and God knows living with an intercessor isn’t easy. Eddie Smith knows too. His wife, Alice, a world-renowned teacher and intercessor, has spent entire days praying in the closet.
Alice is not alone in this great ministry. Towards the end of the 18th century; there was a missionary in India, “Praying Hyde, as he was called. Him with a group of friends, spent days and nights in prayer for an awakening throughout India. Their prayers were answered in a series of outpourings of the Spirit in the north-west of India, beginning in 1904 in Sialkot.” The victory of the Sialkot meetings was not won in the pulpit but in the closet. Often the glory rested on these meetings in a mighty way, while hidden, out of sight, John Hyde and a faithful few travailed in prayer.
Praying Hyde, began spending entire nights face down before God. In a letter to his friend he wrote:
Have felt led to pray for others this winter as never before. I never before knew what it was to work all day and then pray all night before God for another… In college or at parties at home, I used to keep such hours for myself, or pleasure, and can I not do as much for God and souls?”
Beloved, when we had an election in Kenya, there were so many evil prophecies tied to it, but it’s amazing to hear that there were people fasting in prayer for 40 days, other went for 21 days and wept and pleaded with God for mercy over our nation. The same has happened to American in the past election, but what a privilege to have intercessors in the midst of the most democratic nation, pleading for God’s mercy over America. Tears for an intercessor, regardless of gender, always flow like a stream. When some people are reasoning out things, and even thinking we will have another post-election after the election, intercessors were on their knees asking for mercy and it worked.
Whenever an intercessor hears anything, they immediately fall on their knees to cry to the Lord. Just as Wrenches and Pliers are essential equipment for an auto mechanic, tears are the tools of trade for an intercessor. In his song, Dottie Rambo’s declares. “Tears are a language God understands! Tears is the known language of an intercessor.
In scripture, God promises: “He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing” (Psalms 126:6,). When tears have watered the soil into which the seeds of prayer are planted, we can now expect a harvest!
Saints of God, are you called to this secret service in the kingdom of God? don’t stop it, the harvest is coming. It may not be possible to convince anyone to get saved when reasoning with him, but when you cry and plead with God in intercessory prayer, the walls of rebellion in his\her life fall flat-and Christ is glorified.
A pastor can go far with an eloquent speech and sermons, but he will go further, if his ministry has dedicated men and women, who seek God for open heavens, as he preaches the gospel. Don’t be lied to, no conversion is possible at the altar, unless in response to prayer. The bible says Jesus lives to intercede for us but we have to connect with him and pull his glory, into this dark world.
If you are an intercessor, always cover your pastors, churches and nation in prayer. Many people don’t think intercessory is a ministry, but you know better. Keep praying, keep calling and the God who convicts will touch many to his glory.
God is calling us, to move a step higher, like praying Hyde and Alice, to redeem the image of our nation and people, and turn them in intercessory prayer, to worship God and not traditions of our forefathers. If you are called as intercessor, remember we have a great responsibility to carry out. Reasoning with people does not help, but interceding for them works. We have no time to reason things out, but as the Lord lead, only cry to the Lord and align everything to his purposes. God bless you.

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